
Susan W. Murphy

Creative Copy for Web and Print



Successful businesses and nonprofit organizations depend on effectively communicating their mission and important news to shareholders, clients and the community.

There’s NOT an app for that!

Susan is a seasoned communicator who offers customized communications to shape identity and credibility.

Feature Stories

Direct Mail/Email Marketing

Landing Pages


Church Capital Campaigns

Social Media/Blogs

Press Releases

Video Scripts


Web Copy

Media Packets


Full service, turnkey projects, including design and layout are also available.


Nothing is more inspiring than a true story.

The following are stories written by Susan of overcomers, mentors and everyday heroes.   


All Things New

He met few requirements on her “ideal man” checklist, yet God intervened and composed an unexpected and powerful love story of redemption, renewal and hope for the future of a young couple.


Teen's Journey to Joy

How does a self-proclaimed depressed and bitter teenager find self-acceptance, healing — and even joy? A high school student explains his journey to healing that leads him to share his love of Christ with others.


Higher Calling

For first responders, job stress can lead to alcoholism and divorce rates nearly 40 percent higher than other vocations. One Houston Police officer is devoting his life to mentoring young officers.


Susan Murphy is an award-winning writer, editor and producer from Houston, Texas. From scriptwriting for live television to marketing, corporate and church communications, each style includes stories that inspire, build bridges and call readers to action.



Susan understands large church culture and the dynamics of generosity initiatives. She has worked on multiple projects, and her work is amazing! I know you’ll be pleased with what she can deliver.
— Greg Morris, Generosity Strategist, Generis
Susan is a gifted storyteller and brilliant writer. What makes Susan so good at her job is her natural ability to form human connections with the people she interviews. She asks the right questions and makes other people’s stories come to life. She is organized, meticulous and easy to work with. You can always count on Susan to deliver compelling and meaningful content.
— John LaCarter, Creative Services Project Manager, Houston’s First Baptist Church
Susan Murphy has written a book, A Career that Counts: A Home-Based Business that is Changing the Future, as well as numerous feature articles and press releases for COMPUTER EXPLORERS. She worked as editor of COMPUTER EXPLORERS Communications, a monthly newsletter for CE franchisees. Susan is receptive to ideas and worked closely with our team to deliver exactly what we wanted. Anyone needing well-written and impactful marketing materials or feature articles on business owners should give Susan a call.
— Deb Evans, CEO of Evans Consulting, Social Geek Radio Founder & Sponsor
Susan has written an abundance of columns, articles and features for organizations I represent. She’s always prompt, efficient and customer-focused. Her biggest asset is a willingness to try new approaches to engage the audience. I highly recommend Susan for creating informative pieces in a creative style.
— David Handler, PCC, ICF Professional Certified Coach who coaches senior executives to soar and leadership teams to work as one


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